Banner saga baby dredge
Banner saga baby dredge

banner saga baby dredge

I tried to be halfway merciful, picking the "sober him up" and "that man is never allowed to drink booze again" and "even if he's crying wolf we need to be fucking ready for a Dredge attack" options, which turned out to be him crying wolf and then disappearing from the caravan.

banner saga baby dredge

The one situation that ended technically badly but I was too entertained to care about the -morale was the drunken caravan member guy. Oddleif has been training the women to be archers, because we need more fucking archers god damnit. I still have a couple of level 1 characters that I'm trying to get to level 2, who I'm sure I'll just have to stop using soon. My main problem on this end has been A: lack of supplies and B: half of my heroes don't have enough kills to level up. Things are, aside from the fact we have no damn food, actually going alright so far, all things considered. After we left, I allowed what's his butt to join us, and then when Ekkill showed up I was going to tell him to fuck off, but I'm a big softy about Alette and when she cried on his behalf I relented and took them all prisoner. I picked up Hogun and Mogun after siding with them (My Rook's main concern is "Get the people away from the damn Dredge", which is sadly why my caravan is now way too large.) I snuck into the walled city, fought Ekkill's crew before deciding that I didn't want to stay in the city and war against the other factions. On the Human Side: I saved Alette with a well placed arrow. So far, things have actually gone fairly well for me on the Viking Oregon Trail side of things. I'm about 8 or 9 hours into the game, right where the Varl and Humans converge on Varl City Whose Name I Don't Remember. (I'm much worse at the place names in this game than the people names actually) Here's a handy list of character names, if like me you can't remember Vrrfrnfirffkl from Yrgnrifnnefril.

Banner saga baby dredge